Images of exile

Cet article a été publié par la Revue Intellect et offert à par leurs auteures Maryse Bray, University of Westminster et Agnès Calatayud, Birkbeck College (University of London). Voici d'abord un résumé et une présentation des auteures, rendez-vous en fin de page pour télécharger le document intégral.

Images of exile: tracing the past within the present in Henri-François Imbert’s No Pasaràn ! Album souvenir

*Maryse Bray and **Agnès Calatayud

Henri-François Imbert’s No Pasaràn! Album souvenir (2003) focuses on a lesser known episode of the Spanish Civil War: half a million Republicans fled their country after Franco’s victory and crossed the border into France only to be “parked” into makeshift refugee camps, ostracized by the host country about to fall into the hands of the Vichy government. The film is an illustration of the validity of cinema as a medium to help us understand history and offers welcome alternatives from the cliché-ridden representations of migrants in popular culture.


Maryse Bray is a Senior Lecturer in French in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Westminster, London, UK. Her current research interest is focused on representations of France’s colonial past in contemporary popular culture. She has published in French and in English on various productions such as French colonial songs and post-colonial cinema.

Agnès Calatayud is a Lecturer in French in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK. Her research interest is focused on contemporary French cinema. She has published on Agnès Varda and Dominique Cabrera amongst others.

Institutional affiliation

*Maryse Bray
Department of Modern Languages
University of Westminster
309 Regent Street
London W1B 2UW
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**Agnès Calatayud
School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture
French Department
Birkbeck College
43 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PD
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Imbert - No Pasaràn! Album souvenir - Exile – Memory – Immigration- Spanish Civil War

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